We are three generations of scientists involved in the fields of interest elaborated on the website. We met in scientific spheres, in conferences and university auditoriums. Scientists from the fields of History, Literature, Hebrew Studies, Archaeology, Cultural Studies and Pedagogy have contributed to the teaching scenarios.
The individuals who collaborated for this endeavour are:
Scientific partners

Η Fragkiski Abatzopoulou is an emeritus professor of Modern Greek literature at the School of Philosophy in The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She studied literature and history in Athens, New York and Paris. She has taught Modern Greek literature in universities in Greece and abroad. From 2011 until 2013 she was a visiting professor at the University of Cyprus. She has worked on issues of history and fiction, as well as with on representation of the Other in Greek and international literature from the scope of cultural studies. Her main research field is the literary representation of the Holocaust in Greece and the publication of personal accounts of Greek Jews. One of her main interests is literary translation. She won the national translation award for the translation of Confessions by Saint Augustine in 2001.
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Dr. Rena Molho taught the History of Greek Jewry in Panteion University, in Athens. She has published more than 65 studies in international and Greek academic journals and academia.edu. She has also published eight books in Greek, English, German and Turkish. Her work focuses on the different aspects of Ottoman and Greek Jewish history and civilization and more specifically that of the Jews of Salonika. In 2000, Rena Molho won the Athens Academy award for her first book on the Jews of Salonika 1856-1919, and in 2010 she was decorated as chevalier de l’ ordre des Palmes Académiques and the Alberto Benveniste award for Research and for her contribution in the enhancement of French culture.
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Giorgos Antoniou is an assistant professor at the Faculty of History and Archaeology in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the chair of the Hebrew Studies. He was awarded his PhD by the European University of Florence in 2007. He has worked as a visiting researcher at the Institute for the Remembrance of the Holocaust in Paris and as a visiting professor in the University of Yale and the University of Cyprus. His research interests focus on the heritage and remembrance of conflicts in societies, the Holocaust in Greece, the study of collective memory and wars, and public history. His articles have been published in a number of magazines, such as the Journal of Peace Research, History and Theory, Memoria e Ricerca, and other. He was the editor of the recent special issue of Ricerche Storiche magazine on public history in Greece
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Scientific team

Eleni Hodolidou is an associate professor at the School of Philosophy in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She studied in the School of Philosophy and in the University of London Institute of Education. Her courses, publications and research interests focus on literature and language teaching, planning and assessment of educational projects, literacy and cultural studies, with emphasis on issues of identity, diversity and subjectivity. She has been a local counsellor for the Municipality of Thessaloniki with “Protovoulia gia ti Thessaloniki” since 2006 and president of the 1st Ward since 2014.
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For the website, she designed, along with Ioanna Dagdineli, the teaching scenario: "Children’s Voices about World War II and the Holocaust".

Fenia Frangoulidou is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with post-graduate studies in Goldsmiths’ College (UCL) in the field of Cultural Studies. As a scholar of a European program, she completed a PhD thesis with the title "Adolescents and the Internet" at the Aristotle University. She worked at the Faculty of Public Relations and Communication of the Technological Educational Institution of Western Macedonia, as well as in programs for the reinforcement of the education of underprivileged groups (Roma people, repatriated Greeks). She has conducted a post-doctoral research, under the title "Popular culture as an educational tool in Secondary Education". Some of her publications:
“Changing patterns: a socio-cultural study of teenage girls’ use of the Internet”, International Journal of Learning, 12(12), 2006, 93-104·
“Using new media in a Roma classroom: when popular culture meets ethnic minority groups”, Comparative Literature and Culture, 15(3), 2013, Article ix.
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For the website, she designed two teaching scenarios: The “Holocaust: life before it and personal accounts of it. The social status of Jews before the war” and the second “Art as a witness account. The Holocaust through art”.

Charoula Kromiadou is a language teacher and an educator with post-graduate studies in School Pedagogy and Environmental Education. She works at the NGO ARKTOUROS, where her responsibilities include planning and implementing Environmental Education programs for children and adults. (Kromiadou et.al (2012). Wild Animals come into the Classroom! An interdisciplinary environmental education program by ARCTUROS), in Resouk 2012 EMUNI Student Research Multi-conference Bridging Gaps in the Mediterranean Research Space, 803-809/
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For the website she designed the teaching scenario: “Children and everyday life during World War II”.

Dora Seitanidouis an archaeologist with post-graduate studies in Education, specialised in Teaching Methodology. She is interested mainly in the teaching of history and culture, in Museum Education and Intercultural Education. She has worked in museum educational projects, she has designed and implemented educational projects for museums and cultural sites in Thessaloniki, while she has also participated in research about education. Nowadays, she teaches history and culture to foreigners studying at the School of Modern Greek in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as English to children in refugee reception centres.
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For the website she designed the teaching scenario: “Sites-monuments-museums about World War II: The case of Thessaloniki”.

Konstantia Liouza is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with post-graduate studies at the same Faculty, as well as in Cultural Studies and Semiotics at the University of Western Macedonia. She is involved in the designing and implementation of educational programs and creative activity projects. She has participated in research projects on social exclusion, multiculturalism and minorities, and, recently, on the reading habits of adolescents.
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For the website she designed the teaching scenario: “Violence against civilian population: martyred villages”.

Ioanna Dagdineli graduated from the Faculty of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia. She has been awarded two post-graduate diplomas, in European Youth Policies and in Education Sciences. She has worked at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the European program “Kalliroi”, in Second Chance Schools, in Institutes of Vocational Training (IEK), in the Computer Technology Institute and Press "Diophantus" (ΙΤΥΕ), in Teachers’ Training in Information Technology programs, as well as in the ERASMUS office of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has participated in research and development projects of various organisations. Since 2007 she has been working for Greek and foreign NGOs as a trainer on human rights. At the same time, she has been implementing projects for young adults and women. She has participated in conferences with publications.
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For the website she collaborated with Eleni Hodolidou in designing vising the teaching scenario: “Children’s Voices about World War II and the Holocaust”.